Ibkoala Magazine

Nathan Mundraby




Nathan Mundraby is a descendant of Jabulum Mandingalbay Clan – Yidinji Rainforest People and Lama Lama Tribe – Thaypan Country (Weipa South). He is also recognised and allowed to claim ownership to the Djirrbal Tribe – Ravenshoe/Upper Tully. Nathan is a 7th generation descendant of a proud Mandingalbay woman and Tablelands Yidinji/Djirrbal man. Nathan has the Djirrbal Indigenous given name of Midin (possum) given by his father’s mother – Dowiti Yarrakali. His Yidinji tribal name is Yabulam (black cane). He was named after a great tribal elder of generations past. Nathan was taught by his grandparents, parents and Aboriginal Elders of the ways of his ‘people’ through stories, dancing and art.

What the artist says about himself

My name is Nathan Mundraby. I am an artist and a didgeridoo player. I have performed with Hugh Jackman and have been travelling the world for my art. 

If I can do it, so can you. Don’t give up just because you have a knock back. Look for positive people and trust in yourself. 

Nathan Mundraby

You can visit Nathan Mundraby’s facebook page, however I would recommend to take the opportunity to see his artworks in person, to understand why his paintings are so unique.


Nathan Mundrabyultima modifica: 2016-11-09T07:11:11+01:00da
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