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I maestri del fashion style Enzo Miccio e Carla Gozzi vi danno appuntamento questa sera alle 23.05 con la nuova edizione di Shopping Night su Real Time.
Tre concorrenti, un grande store nella capitale della moda per fare shopping di scarpe, accessori, vestiti, make up. Chi sarà la vincitrice?
English version
Shopping night new edition
Enzo Miccio and Carla Gozzi the fashion style gurus, on air this evening at 11.05 pm on Real time tv with Shopping night new edition.
Three contestants, a megastore in Milan the city of fashion, to go shopping. The participants need shoes, accessories, clothes and the right make up.
Who will be the winner?
Shopping night: la nuova edizioneultima modifica: 2012-11-28T11:38:20+01:00da
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