Ballando con le stelle: semifinale


Nella serata della semifinale la prima ad esibirsi è la “zietta” Barbara Capponi, appellativo che le hanno dato a Ballando con le stelle, una zietta proprio d’eccezione, donna di fascino e brava ballerina…insomma alla fine credo che molti maschietti vorrebbero ballare con la cara zietta…e quindi vorrebbero essere al posto di Samuel Peron. Non è così? La giuria è sempre molto severa, ma è ovvio, devono cercare il pelo nell’uovo!


Obvious in the semis now no longer know quite what to criticize if competitors have come in the semifinals then are really good! That’s because Sandra Meyer (The voice of truth) and Capponi said Barbara Samuel Peron “It seemed flew on this track.” In this episode the panel of former rival Stefano Pantano. Great success the exhibition of Vittoria Belvedere and Stefano di Filippo among them was born a great friendship. Commissioner Kaspar Kapparoni proves to be a great dancer not only a great actor, very tough and very accomplice of his “rival” dance Gedeon Burkhard, his great friend. So it’s the turn of Sarah Santostasi, Christian Panucci, Gedeon Burkhard and Bruno Cabrerizo. Massimo Ghini, a dancer for a night, thanks to his daughter that he wanted to Dancing with the Stars. Ghini performs with the Italo-Australian champion Nuria Santalucia. Competitors will perform with some surprise guests Cabrerizo Bruno with his mother, Sara Santostasi with his father, Burkhard with Laura Glavan so many emotions and even fun. Here are the couples who are in the final: Gedeon Burkhard and Samanta Togni Vittoria Belvedere and Stefano di Filippo, Kaspar Capparoni Musikina and Julia. Sara Santostasi Umberto Gaudino and Christian Panucci Agnes Yunkure. Who will win?
See my blog: Ib.koala


Ovvio in semifinale ormai non si sa piu bene cosa criticare se i concorrenti sono giunti in semifinale allora sono davvero bravi! Ecco che infatti Sandro Meyer (La voce della verità) ha detto di Barbara Capponi e Samuel Peron “Sembrava volassero su questa pista”.

Nella giuria di questa puntata l’ex concorrente Stefano Pantano.

Riscuote grande successo l’esibizione di Vittoria Belvedere e Stefano di Filippo tra i quali è nata una grande amicizia.

Il commissario Kaspar Kapparoni si dimostra un ottimo ballerino non solo un ottimo attore, molto tenace e molto complice del suo “antagonista” di ballo Gedeon Burkhard, suo grande amico.

Quindi è il turno di Sara Santostasi, Christian Panucci, Gedeon Burkhard e Bruno Cabrerizo.

Ballerino per una notte Massimo Ghini, complice sua figlia che lo voleva a Ballando con le stelle. Ghini si esibisce con la campionessa italo-australiana Nuria Santalucia.

I concorrenti si esibiscono con alcuni ospiti a sorpresa Bruno Cabrerizo con sua madre, Sara Santostasi con suo padre, Burkhard con Laura Glavan quindi molte emozioni e anche divertimento.

Ecco le coppie che sono in finale: Gedeon Burkhard e Samanta togni Vittoria Belvedere e Stefano di Filippo, Kaspar Capparoni e Julia Musikina. Sara Santostasi e Umberto Gaudino Christian Panucci Agnese Yunkure.

Chi vincerà?


On the evening of the first semi-finals to perform is “Auntie” Barbara Capponi, a name that gave an auntie its exceptional woman of charm and good dancer … so in the end I think many boys would like to know the dear aunt and … would be in place by Samuel Peron. Is not it? The jury is still very severe, but of course, must seek the nit!
On the evening of the first semi-finals to perform is “Auntie” Barbara Capponi, a name that gave an auntie its exceptional woman of charm and good dancer … so in the end I think most boys would dance with the beloved aunt … and therefore would be in place by Samuel Peron. Is not it? The jury is still very severe, but of course, must seek the nit!
Obvious in the semis now no longer know quite what to criticize if competitors have come in the semifinals then are really good! That’s because Sandra Meyer (The voice of truth) and Capponi said Barbara Samuel Peron “It seemed flew on this track.” In this episode the panel of former rival Stefano Pantano. Great success the exhibition of Vittoria Belvedere and Stefano di Filippo among them was born a great friendship. Commissioner Kaspar Kapparoni proves to be a great dancer not only a great actor, very tough and very accomplice of his “rival” dance Gedeon Burkhard, his great friend. So it’s the turn of Sarah Santostasi, Christian Panucci, Gedeon Burkhard and Bruno Cabrerizo. Massimo Ghini, a dancer for a night, thanks to his daughter that he wanted to Dancing with the Stars. Ghini performs with the Italo-Australian champion Nuria Santalucia. Competitors will perform with some surprise guests Cabrerizo Bruno with his mother, Sara Santostasi with his father, Burkhard with Laura Glavan so many emotions and even fun. Here are the couples who are in the final: Gedeon Burkhard and Samanta Togni Vittoria Belvedere and Stefano di Filippo, Kaspar Capparoni Musikina and Julia. Sara Santostasi Umberto Gaudino and Christian Panucci Agnes Yunkure. Who will win?
See my blog: Ib.koala
Ballando con le stelle: semifinaleultima modifica: 2011-04-24T13:05:00+02:00da ib.angus
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