Ibkoala Magazine

Cd: Blue Side of Los Lopez, the new Album


When I usually listen to a cd I get immediately an idea about the songs, a kind of sensation that brings me inside every single track dimension. There are always some peculiarities that attract me immediately and make important the listening.

The travel that you run through “Blue side of Los Lopez” is a deep one. The album has the same name of the band, that recently  fulfilled the new cd in the recording studio.

The name literally means the side blues of los lopez, but don’t let us be influenced by the name and let’s begin with the tracks listening.

If you dream to be on a tropical beach or dream to surf in the south seas, this is your kind of music. If you dream an adventure holiday, you’ll love listening to this music. It’s a kind that I’d download in my i-pod visualizing planning the beginning of an amusement holiday, or a weekend with the idea to take it easy with life. These songs will be with you during this journey, easy records, that you’d download in your i-pod while you’re thinking to something both crazy and amusing to do.

Music gives inspiration, of course, as the songs good vibrations that you’re listening to, give the right strength and the right energy to understand where you’re going to.

“My chicken wonna play the blues”, is the first song from their album “Blue side of los lopez”, between blues and country, it reminds me something like Billy Ray Cyrus, perfect atmosphere for amusing parties with friends on the beach. It gives the right energy to leave for that journey that we hadn’t planned to do, to experience something unexpected, so let’s be involved to this crazy music and let’s begin this journey. So all along the ride, you listen to your “easy”, rhythm and involving song, with the precise message, – life is easy – so you sing the song without knowing the words, this is it, if you sing a song without knowing the lyrics it’s the right one, because you’re enjoying to listen to it. The instrumental part is really lively and at the same time you seem to be at a party ehre where everybody enjoy themselves and listen to nice music. Ivo, “Blue side of Los Lopez” singer has a clean and well balanced voice, he admitted to enjoy a lot during his performance as a singer, he doesn’t consider singing as a technique, but as a feeling, an attitude, like he was taking all the energy of a precise moment. Like a surfer takes the right wave, the music finds the right harmony in every song telling about an intense journey. Listening to “Mama Tell me”, I imagine an earthy way, where the road is not asphalted, a concert at some festival at the seaside somewhere around the world, this is a scanned and involving music. There is something in common among Ben Harper, Jason Mraz and also Blue side of los lopez, if you’re asking to yourself what it is, the answer is really easy. The melodic and flowing way of singing at the same time this is the kind that I call “easy”.

“Slow rusted blade”, is both a soft and fierce song. When I listen to music it happens that I imagine a kind of habitat, that depends from musical influences. In this song I imagine the red hearth, the blue sky, typical places that you can find in Mexico or Australia, where the essential colours are the sea’s green water the reddish earth and the wild country.

“Heaven in My Home” has the right rhythm between country and blues, taking influences from Texas, you don’t have to travel so much to catch all these emotions because they all are summarized inside this melodic and lively song. If you find yourself in Texas, you’ll feel like home, thorugh the song you can feel people roots, and you’ll see life through simple ness and  substantialnesses .

A Blue Side of Los Lopez gig is something you can’t miss, it’s a long journey you’ll live through their music, you’ll feel pushed from their rhythm and caught from their songs.

Like a surfer who’s looking for the right wave, he would go everywhere to find the right wind. This is the same thing, so relax, take it easy, and listen to Blue Side songs, if you feel pushed to dance don’t tell me I didn’t advise you. This is the right music to find the right wave. Let be involved by this rhythm and don’t tell me you’re not really enjoying it.


Review: Isabella Bianchini


Versione in italiano



Cd: Blue Side of Los Lopez, the new Albumultima modifica: 2009-03-31T17:05:00+02:00da
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